Home Advocacy Inspire Salone Series: Creating Positive Social Impact in Sierra Leone

Inspire Salone Series: Creating Positive Social Impact in Sierra Leone


By Eunice Naffie Mustapha

Our then and our now determine our tomorrow. The people living in every country are responsible for contributing to the nation’s growth and development. Does Sierra Leone have people contributing to her growth and development? Inspire Salone is here to answer that question! Allow us to introduce you to Dr. Adonis Abboud of Sierra Leone.

How it all Started

He said things were great when he first came to Sierra Leone in 1975. He stated that those were the glory days, as Sierra Leone was in a better position than it is now. However, in the 80s, things started going down.

Moving forward, when the civil war hit us, Dr. Adonis Abboud was living in Sierra Leone. He later had to go on exile and he lived in Conakry for some time. During the war, women and children were most vulnerable. He saw suffering with his heart and eyes, which made him shed tears. How could misery hit a beautiful country with a good climate and marine resources? A country that one would fall in love with at first sight!

His First Step

Dr. Adonis Abboud knew he could not sit back doing nothing. It was a duty to respond to the devastation he had seen. His first attempt to help curtail the woes was by founding Pikin Bizness, a Non-Governmental Organization, in 2001, alongside Barbara Bangura and Shelac Sunny Davies, with the aim of helping vulnerable children.

In 2005, the organization created its first major impact by facilitating the surgery of Abubakarr Jalloh (age 6) in collaboration with local and international partners. Abubakar was born with a hole in his heart, and he had to be flown to Paris for surgery. According to David Applefield’s article ‘How a Six-Year-Old and an Independent Newspaper Are Helping Sierra Leone,’ Abubakar was the first Sierra Leonean child to be airlifted to Europe for emergency heart surgery. The operation was done at Necker Hospital in Paris and was a success. Abubakarr, now in his twenties, is one of Dr. Adonis Abboud’s employees.

Abubakarr Jalloh was not the only beneficiary, as over the years, there have been other successful surgeries, including the heart surgeries of Linda Paul Bangura, Precious Konneh, Amadu Bella Bah, and Ehizogie Eghobon.

Contributions to the Educational Sector

Dr. Adonis Abboud believes in the educational empowerment of Sierra Leoneans. Contributing to the educational sector in his little way is quite dear. He stated that for pupils to broaden their horizons and become advanced like their contemporaries in developed countries, they need access to information. His projects include but are not limited to providing 55 schools with satellite learning equipment, giving over 800 pupils access to radios, international scholarship opportunities, etc. It is also important to note that he provides financial awards to the best male and female graduating students of every University every year.

Other Impacts 

Dr. Adonis Abboud founded the ‘Adonis Abboud Trust Fund,’ which responds to communities’ cries. In 2008, the Adonis Abboud Bridge at Malamah was built with a budget of $25,000 (70% of which he paid). In 2004, the Adonis Abboud Bridge was also built at Nduvuibu. He is also known to bring smiles to the faces of children across Sierra Leone during Christmas with his Christmas Feast for kids and Santa Claus gift-sharing ventures.

When asked about the source of his motivation, he stated that, ‘You see misery, children suffering…if you have empathy, you’ll react.” He refers to himself as a down to earth man that reacts to the day-to-day events of life.

About Dr. Adonis Abboud 

He was born in Lebanon. He studied in Manchester, where he married and later left for Saudi Arabia. He has 3 children and 7 grandchildren; family is important to him. Growing up, his father, who introduced him to Africa in 1926, was his icon. According to him, not being able to attend his father’s funeral due to unwarranted national prohibitions here about his passport was the most devastating moment of his life. Dr. Adonis Abboud refers to Ghana as his second home; his journey in Africa started there.

Dr. Adonis Abboud has lived in Sierra Leone for over 40 years. He is an established businessman skilled in Communication and Technology. He is the founder of Transnational Sierra Leone Limited, a satellite dish provider in Sierra Leone, and the sole agent of MultiChoice DSTV. He is a Philanthropist and a Diplomat, the Honourable Consul-General of Serbia (a position he has held since 1991). Dr. Adonis Abboud is also the Founder and Chairman of Capital Radio Sierra Leone and a Rotarian (Major Donor Benefactor Rotary International).

He was the Business Ambassador and Director of the Commonwealth Africa Initiative (2016/17). He is also the crowned honorary Paramount Chief of Upper Bambara Chiefdom, Kailahun District, Sierra Leone. Dr. Adonis Abboud is the Dean and Founder of the Consular Corps of Sierra Leone. Having received an Award for Excellence for Outstanding Contribution to the Promotion of the Positive Image of Africa and Africans around the World through Business in London in December 2019, from The 21st Annual Gathering Of Africa’s Best, Best Health Philanthropist Award in 2020 from Health Reporters Network, during the Sierra Leone National Health Awards 2020, one cannot keep track of all his awards as the list is quite long.

His Message to Young Sierra Leoneans

“You should take life as it comes. Take it day by day. Never lose hope. We are in this together. We have to give back to society. Be optimistic; don’t take no for an answer. Persevere and never give up.”-Dr. Adonis Abboud

Dr. Adonis Abboud has taught us that if we wish for things to improve, we can help make them better ourselves.

About Writer

Eunice Naffie Mustapha is a creative writer and a storyteller. She is a published author ( the author of Girlz Planete: Teenage Pregnancy). As the CEO of Nafisa Media Limited, she believes in using stories to inspire social change. She is a Sierra Leonean content writer renowned for submitting content to individuals and entities locally and internationally.

Photo Credit: Moseray Koroma (Super Mos Photography: +23278145373)


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