Home Advocacy Inspire Salone Series: He Persevered

Inspire Salone Series: He Persevered


Being born into a poor family, with the dream of becoming educated while having little or no financial support, is challenging. Despite endless struggles, accessing your inner power, aiming for the sky, and working towards achieving your goals make you who you are!  Inspire Salone Series brings you an exceptional personality, Augustine Sorie-Sengbe Marrah Esq., whose story of resilience and steadfastness is worth sharing.

The Initial Stage

Knowing what you want and going for it is the greatest achievement a person can give to himself. Augustine Sorie Sengbe-Marrah Esq. believed in himself and knew his calling from the onset, pursuing it amidst all odds.

The Challenges

Every journey has its challenges. Augustine faced many hurdles, but giving up was not an option. His family wanted the very best for him. However, they lacked the financial capacity to support his vision of becoming a lawyer.

The peasanty sum his parents earned as teachers could hardly take them through the month; the additional expenses of acquiring a law degree were unbearable.

Determined, focused, and ready to learn with inadequate resources could be disheartening. Things were so hard for Augustine that he could not afford the basic necessities of life. He faced humiliation and frustration and was subjected to unhealthy conditions to keep life going. Nonetheless, he hustled throughout his University days.


Have you ever been in a situation where you were driven from a lecture room because you could not afford a textbook or when you were refused entrance to an examination hall because you could not pay your fees? Augustine went through it all and more, but he continued to push on.


Notwithstanding his determination, the unfortunate happened!! Augustine couldn’t solve his financial problems, so he had to drop out of school for a year. But that didn’t dim his light; he became more determined than ever. One could have thought that was as far as Augustine’s career would go.

Let’s say fate was with him. God sent a good Samaritan woman who guided him in applying for a government grant-in-aid to complete his law program.

After recuperating, Augustine returned with vigor. He was ready to beat all odds.


It paid off! He became a barrister and solicitor of the High Court of Sierra Leone. Believing in equality, he ensured that he pursued that path. Augustine further bagged a Master’s in Human Rights Law and Democracy from the University of Pretoria.

“I am moved by the plight and suffering of folks. I have such a passion for human rights to the extent that I know in my bones that I have a calling. It has very little financial reward but so much satisfaction, ”Augustine remarked.

In 2020, he became the Managing Partner of Marrah & Associates. This law firm upholds the rule of law and defends truth, protecting and promoting the Constitution while catering to its client’s needs.

There is so much more to Augustine Sorie-Sengbe Marrah than meets the eye.

His Message to Young Sierra Leoneans

“Forget the gold, diamond, and all the precious minerals that we celebrate on television and radio stations. The best resource we have as a nation is the young people. We spend so much money protecting our precious resources but very little on young people. No nation can develop without its young people being empowered. As older Sierra Leoneans, we owe a duty to ensure that we not only be good examples to the younger ones but also inspire them.” Augustine Sorie-Sengbe Marrah

His energy in being different is contagious. What is contagious about you?

Photo Credit: Moseray Koroma (Super Mos Photography): +23278145373/+23288914840


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